23 Nov 2021

Online Lunch Meetup 16


Serge Libert

eGOV Project Manager – BOSA

Axel De Nys

Business Analyst – BOSA

For many years, invoices processing is considered to be one of the best candidates for large-scale, end-to-end business process automation – from invoice generation by the supplier until the complete processing by the customer. Still, there is a very long way to go turn such vision into reality. Although machine-to-machine integration is at the heart of the endeavor, it is only a small portion of the required mix.
In this session, BOSA will
– share with us the key aspects that need to be considered
– how they are addressed by the Peppol interoperability framework
– provide a practical illustration a Peppol implementation in the context of B2G invoices processing.


▶ 11h55: Opening Webinar Room
▶ 12h00: Start

▶ Peppol and the large-scale rollout of end-to-end procurement processes automation

▶ Speakers:
o Serge Libert @ BOSA
o Axel De Nys @ BOSA

▶ 13h00: Closing

More info about this community via apicommunity.be

Thanks to our partner BOSA for the hosting. More info on https://bosa.belgium.be/nl/dg-digitale-transformatie.

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