18 May 2021

Online Lunch Meetup 12


Pieter Van de Broeck

Integration Architect at Archers

Tom Pieters

Security Architect at Colruyt Group

Join our next API meetup hosted by Archers and discover how to achieve well secured APIs in your organization.

APIs establish an important channel to your enterprise’s systems, data, and services. It’s important to keep focus on API security to prevent business/reputation loss, competitor’s gains and so much more. There are numerous aspects that you must consider in securing your APIs.

The Archers API Security Framework helps organisations in defining their API security approach and ambitions, in order to tackle API security risks (including the OWASP top 10 security risks). The API Security Framework logically groups API security aspects, which allows organisations to define API security requirements and identify required capabilities and components.

Colruyt Group is a company, well aware of the security risks APIs introduce. They started an API Security project over a year ago and are eager to share their experiences and approach with the API Community Belgium. During this session, they provide insights on how API security aspects/requirements defined their API security approach, which works for their very diverse and complex application landscape.


▶ 11h55: Opening Webinar Room
▶ 12h00: Start

▶ An API Security approach that fits your requirements and ambitions
By Pieter Van de Broeck – Integration Architect at Archers

▶ The road towards a secure API landscape – The Colruyt Group Story
By Tom Pieters – Security Architect at Colruyt Group
+ Q&A

▶ 13h00: Closing

This event is online.

Follow our LinkedIn-page via follow.apicommunity.be & join our online community via join.apicommunity.be for the latest API updates and stories from the API community.

Thanks to our partner Archers for the virtual hosting. More info on https://we-archers.com/

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